[Gllug] Postfix+CyrusSASL+SqMail RedHat 4

Ivan Dimitrov admin at b4y.co.uk
Sun May 29 10:39:08 UTC 2005

Please ignore my previous message.
It did turn out that my MX 0 has not been
configured properly.
Many thanks for your help.

Never  the less i know that there are
quite a few amazing people on the list so
i am always open to suggestions of good practices for
running and maintaining Postfix + Cyrus
My current production server is running
Postfix with Procmail & UW-Imap & Squirrel Mail.
It has been rock sold  for the last 2.5
years. I am a bit scared of Cyrus since it is
new territory for me. Any input form people running
Production Main Servers will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again

At 20:41 5/28/2005, you wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>i am having  problem with basic configuration of  Postfix and was
>wandering if someone can bring some light on the subject.
>System is RedHat4 Postfix Cyrus-Imap /SASL Auth/ and SquirrelMail.
>I have single domain and all my DNS  A and MX records  are configured
>A             domain.com         in
>A             mail.domain.com.   in
>MX0           mail.domain.com    in
>Mail users are using system accounts and SASL is configured to check
>against shadow passwd. I can create users inbox with cyradm.
>Normally i would add system account then su to cyrus log in to
>localhost and cm user.foo. Login with SqirrelMail will create all
>other IMAP folder and all works fine.
>I am also mapping my system users to e-mail accounts via
>user:           user1
>user:           user2
>The problem i am having appears to be  in Postfix main.cf
>The system will accept e-mails for:
>user at mail.domain.com
>and will refuse anything for:
>user at domain.com
>My main.cf is:
>myhostname = mail.domain.com
>mydomain = domain.com
>myorigin = $mydomain
>inet_interfaces = all
>mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
>mynetworks =,
>alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
>alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
>Have checked through the docs and it seems like i have meet
>all basic requirements. What is exactly that i am missing.
>Also virtual mapping is not working as well.
>Many thanks in advance for any help and pointers.
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