[Gllug] How to report online crime...

Chris Hutchison chris.hutchison at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun May 22 14:25:12 UTC 2005

On 21 May 2005, at 12:05, Wenceslao Requejo wrote:

> Does anyone knows how to report online fraud, and if it is worthy?
> I just got an e-mail supposed to be form ebay telling me that there was
> some security alert, and bla bla, that I should sign in following  a
> "secure link"  bla, bla bla, to enter card details and bla,bla..Anyway,
> they didn't mess around with me (the link is a javascrip applet from a
> polish university), I know what I am doing, but some people may not,
> shoud I be a good citizen and report it ? How? What would you do?

What I've done in the past is to report them to their service provider 
or hosting service, explaining the nature of their fraudulent mailing 
(and forwarding it as often as not), and suggesting that their provider 
/ hosting company take action.  I've generally received emails of 
thanks for alerting them, as it's their reputation on the line.


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