[Gllug] BIOS not detecting IDE hdrives

john gennard joney at clara.co.uk
Mon May 16 13:33:44 UTC 2005

On Mon, 16 May 2005 10:19:46, John Hearns wrote:-

 >> I said 'mainly gone away' as there still could be
 >> something wrong with the Fireball. I'm trying to
 >> install Puppy on it and keep getting segmentation
 >> faults and script difficulties, but these may be
 >> due to other factors (mainly my stupidity).

 > I would suggest booting the box with a Knoppix CD
 > and running smartctl on the drive.

 > (This assumes that Knoppix comes with smart, I' sure
 > it does).

 > This drive isn't sleeping, it is nailed to its perch.

Thank you - I'd never heard of 'smartctl'. I'll certainly
give it a go this evening (assuming I can understand the
man page!)

Regards,				John.

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