[Gllug] BT Voyager 100 USB ADSL Modem

anthony.hill21 at btinternet.com anthony.hill21 at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 7 12:41:53 UTC 2005

About three weeks ago, I wrote asking for help with getting 
newly-purchased Xandros (Debian 3.1 Sarge based) to work with my BT 
Voyager 100 USB ADSL modem.    My thanks to John Hearns, David Bell, 
Simon Perry and Chris Bell who responded with advice.  I now appreciate 
something of what would be involved in the driver route and think it 
best to look for the get-suitable-hardware solution.

Please would some kind person tell me (i) what type of modem do I need 
to get, (ii) do I need to get a card (ethernet?) to put inside my Dell 
Dimension and (iii) can I continue to use the Voyager alongside whatever 
new modem I attach to the phoneline?   [As you can tell, I'm so gormless 
I even wonder what 'eth0' means.]

Any (constructive) reply received with gratitude,    Anthony Hill.

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