[Gllug] Web Site Creation

Tethys sta296 at astradyne.co.uk
Sun Nov 6 16:49:11 UTC 2005

Nix writes:

>> I guessed you and tethys would rather starve on the streets than
>> use it ;)
>Tet that might apply to. I do a lot of small jobs in /bin/sh, but
>anything involving complex data manipulation where scsh is not
>available, and anything involving stuff which CPAN can do for me,
>I use Perl for.

No, I'm remarkably similar to you in that I'll use it where appropriate
but don't much like doing it[1]. "Appropriate" in my case almost invariably
boils down to "there's something already in CPAN that does 90% of the work".
Although even then, getting CPAN to throw away its assumptions that it's on
an Internet facing machine is problematic for actually deploying it onto
a production machine (to be fair, it's been a few years since I've done so,
so maybe it's improved).


[1] Mostly. Where I have to work with someone else's perl, rather than
    my own, *then* I'd rather pull out my fingernails :-) To quote Chris
    Wareham: I have scratched Perl from my CV because there is fuck all
    job satisfaction in fixing endless streams of Perl gibberish produced
    by talentless muppets.
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