[Gllug] Enlightenment menus

Paul Rayner paul at ylemsolutions.com
Sat Nov 26 17:32:26 UTC 2005

On 25 Nov 2005, at 12:28, Chris Hutchison wrote:

>> Where do you define your path?
> Hhmmm ... I'm stumped.  My /etc/profile file reads:
> 	# System-wide .profile for sh(1)
> 	PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
> 	export PATH
> so I guess it ain't there.  But since I set the $PATH from the prompt, 
> I've no idea where
> 	/sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin
> is defined

/sw/bin on OS X, Fink I presume?

If so, the /sw/* additions to the path are from the line

	test -r /sw/bin/init.sh && . /sw/bin/init.sh

which is added to your ~/.profile file when you install fink. I would 
guess that enlightenment does not run this file on startup, whereas 
xterm (or whichever terminal program you use) does. I would suggest you 
try adding the /sw/* directories to your path in /etc/profile, and see 
if that fixes the problem. On my installation I have made that line 
into a one line script, which I have put in /usr/local/bin so that I 
can run command line fink apps from OS X Terminal.



Paul Rayner
Ylem Solutions Ltd ~ 32-38 Leman St, London. E1 8EW
Office: 020 7173 6241 ~ Mobile: 07739 143 763 ~ 
Paul.Rayner at YlemSolutions.com

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