[Gllug] OpenSlug or Unslung (and does the Slug have an RTC?)

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Sun Nov 27 09:55:49 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 19:53 +0000, Tom Schutzer-Weissmann wrote:
> I didn't get on with Unslung, and have never regretted ditching it for
> Openslug. I got ssh out of the box, and had Samba and NFS running in 5
> minutes.

Thanks - useful input.

> > Currently I incline towards Big Endian Debian using OpenSlug as a boot
> > loader.  Comments?
> I don't get it. I thought Redboot was the boot loader - clobbering that
> sounds like a good way to make a brick without straw. 

No, it isn't a question of clobbering Redboot.  The OpenDebianSlug
project describes itself as using OpenSlug as a bootstrap (so possibly
not actually a boot loader).  I'm still reading.

> You can probably get all you want with Openslug, no need for Debian -
> which would be very nice, but probably worth going to the trouble of
> running the box little endian, and getting the benefit of Debian's ARM
> packages.

The trouble with that is that the hardware design is intrinsically
big-ended, so you end up having to replace the Ethernet port if you want
to run little-ended Debian.  The big-ended port works natively, albeit
at the expense of having to re-compile whatever packages you want.

One further question - should the Slug remember the date and time when
powered off?  Mine forgets every time it's switched off, which given
that it has a backup battery doesn't seem right.


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