[Gllug] FreeBSD problem

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Wed Nov 30 10:41:09 UTC 2005

On Wed 30 Nov, Martin A. Brooks wrote:

> > 
> > "inetd[465]: ssh/tcp: bind: Address already in use"
> > 

> This has nothing to do with DNS.  The "bind" in the above error is from 
> inetd complaining that it cannot attach to port 22 (TCP) as the address 
> is already is use.
> inetd is complaining because, the chances are, ssh has been configured 
> not to run out of inetd and is already running and blocking port 22.
> You shouldn't be running ssh from inetd anyway.
> Mart.
   That was the problem, I was given a partially completed inetd.conf during
installation, I wonder why ssh was included if it should not be used there.
   I have found the FreeBSD menu system fairly comprehensible, but it is too
easy to make an incorrect selection and not have any way of cancelling the
selection. Perhaps it gets easier as you learn the various quirks.

Chris Bell

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