[Gllug] just preaching to the converted !

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sun Oct 23 21:10:16 UTC 2005

On Sat, 22 Oct 2005, John Hearns uttered the following:
> On Sat, 2005-10-22 at 18:45 +0100, Adrian McMenamin wrote:
>> I don't disagree. The thing was this was how they saw OSS - a toy.
>> (Presumably they pay somebody to install and patch their MS software but
>> don't feel they can do the same with OSS).
> 300 of the top 500 fastest computers run Linux.

But those are run by people who actually *need* high performance, so
they've been willing to do some actual research rather than picking a
Big 4 consultant at random and asking him to parrot some marketspeak.

(bitter? moi?)

`"Gun-wielding recluse gunned down by local police" isn't the epitaph
 I want. I am hoping for "Witnesses reported the sound up to two hundred
 kilometers away" or "Last body part finally located".' --- James Nicoll
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