[Gllug] Sun OpenSource

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Mon Oct 31 17:26:17 UTC 2005

On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, Tethys prattled cheerily:
> "Wiehe, Simon" writes:
>>Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic
>>communications disclaimer: 
> Wow. A company with a clue, and an investment bank at that! Even more
> bizarre, the disclaimer they link to is pretty short, too.

Now they just need to learn to line-wrap at 72 cols, and replace the
silly equals signs with an ordinary sig-sep... :)

`"Gun-wielding recluse gunned down by local police" isn't the epitaph
 I want. I am hoping for "Witnesses reported the sound up to two hundred
 kilometers away" or "Last body part finally located".' --- James Nicoll
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