[Gllug] retro computing

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Fri Oct 7 12:23:41 UTC 2005

On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Christian Smith stipulated:
> On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Nix wrote:
>>And that's the *real* reason distros have been dropping 386 support.
>>(There's also the minor fact that almost nobody has working hardware
>>anymore, and the 486 has now been on sale for *twenty years*...)
> Come on, not quite. The 386 has been on sale for nearly 20 years (1986) I
> believe, but the i486 was not released until 1989.

You're right; Oct 1985 for the 386, 1989 for the 486 (and I bought a 486
the following year).

I misremembered.

Fifteen years is extreme enough.

`Next: FEMA neglects to take into account the possibility of
fire in Old Balsawood Town (currently in its fifth year of drought
and home of the General Grant Home for Compulsive Arsonists).'
            --- James Nicoll
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