[Gllug] Aptitude

Paul Cupis paul at cupis.co.uk
Wed Sep 14 17:17:46 UTC 2005

Jack Bertram wrote:
> * Matthew King <matthew.king at monnsta.net> [050914 10:20]:
>>If you're not paying attention to a system upgrade, however minor and in
>>whichever OS/distribution, then you deserve whatever mess you get in.
> Given I'm clearly a muppet and don't deserve to be adminning any
> computer (no offence taken, by the way) does anyone have advice for my
> original question of how I get aptitude (interactive) to recommend the
> same set of packages for upgrade as aptitude (command-line)?  Is there a
> cache-file of selections that I have to delete, or something? None of
> the menu options in aptitude appear to help.

Possibly you can remove /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates, but I'd create a
backup first. Check with google/the documentation whether this will do
what you want.

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