[Gllug] is KMAIL a good enough client for gllug?

Richard Huxton dev at archonet.com
Thu Sep 8 17:27:12 UTC 2005

Doug Winter wrote:
> paul wrote:
>>you continually misinterpret everything I've been saying
>>I'm just saying - and lets put a cap on it now - 
>>I'm just saying that these days I am more used to working with graphical
>>interfaces - generally they tend to to be self explanatory. and I have a lot 
>>better things to do with my time than trying to work out a whole different
>>way of working if there are tools which suit my way better. 
>>If you like text interfaces thats cool by me - I won't  break a sweat trying 
>>to tell you you're wrong. I am not adopting a flippant tone or dismissing 
>>your preferences - you seem to take it personally that I have a preference or 
>>need that is different to yours.  Just how much older than fifteen are you?
> I suspect this is an instance of easier-to-use v easier-to-learn.
> People use either to mean "easy" depending on what they are used to.
> GUI interfaces are generally easier to learn, but harder to use (you
> have to keep picking your hands off the keyboard for starters).  For
> applications that you use a lot it is worth the effort learning them
> well, after which they become easier to use.  Email is almost certainly
> one of those applications, and mutt is well worth the effort.

It's also down to what you are doing. Mutt might well be superior for 
lots of text-only technical mailing lists. Less useful if most of your 
email consists of HTML-formatted rich-text, images embedded inline and 
attachments you want to double-click.

I've also grown attached to Thunderbird's ability to colour-tag messages 
  (with one finger - keyboard still rules for speed even in a GUI) and 
save search results.

Then again, if you spend all day using email to arrange meetings and 
share documents within a large office Outlook+Exchange does some good 
work (and I bow to no-one in my loathing of that pair for pure email).
   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd
Gllug mailing list  -  Gllug at gllug.org.uk

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