[Gllug] Re: Giving mutt a try

Craig Millar gllug at craigmillar.org
Wed Sep 21 23:14:55 UTC 2005

On 21/09/05 19:02 +0100, paul wrote: (or rather, rich did)
> > All these files shuold be found in SUSE.  Does SUSE have an apt-like
> > tool for resolving dependencies?  Sounds like you ought to be using
> > it.

http://apt4rpm.sourceforge.net/ or use YaST's install and remove software
option to install exim - it will be in there and so will it's dependencies

> It does, yes but since using suse I've always had no problem installing
> rpm's from the commandline with  "rpm -U (packagename)

rpm in itself does not acquire missing dependencies for you, so this will not
work. My advice to you is to do the following:

get this apt4suse installer script
$ wget http://linux01.gwdg.de/~scorot/install-apt4suse.rpm

$ install -Uhv install-apt4suse.rpm

run the script - this will download install and setup apt for suse on your
system. (Running this same command or with -u for brevity when apt is already
installed will update your /etc/sources list and it's not a bad idea to do so
before doing any updates).
$ install-apt4suse --update-srclist

$ apt update

Download the available keys for the main package contributors
$ apt-cache search rpmkey
Install (apt-get install rpmkey-xxxxx1, rpmkey-xxxxx2, rpmkey-xxxxxn) the
available sigs

$ apt-get install exim

That should set you on your way by and large. You may run into problems with
rpms either lacking signatures, or your system not having the signatures to
check downloaded rpms. If so, try and find out if the signature of the
packager is available through apt as above, or try and find the packager's
website and see if it is there and then

$ rpm --import PUBKEY ...

Some packages simply don't have sigs, it's optional for the packager - if you
feel the package has come from a trusted source (i.e. thumbsuck!) you can
install the packages by doing this after a failure due to signatures:

apt --no-checksig install PACKAGE ...

Miniature primer over! You may want to look at apt-config (8), apt (1),
apt-cache (8), and of course apt-get (8). Apt's slower than on Debian but
works ok. You might want to ignore all of this - certainly exim and
dependencies are available there. You'll notice that when you try and install
something, it may want to remove something else - in this case, YaST and apt
won't let you have more than one smtp daemon installed, as they conflict.

Phew. Blathering. YaST also works very happily in curses mode, try (as root)
the command YaST.

Flame wars a continua - what's wrong with qmail anyway? It's fast, easy as pie
to configure and only requires 99 patches to the original code!

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