[Gllug] I can't work out if this guy is a genius troll or just a complete fool

Chris Hutchison chris.hutchison at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Apr 26 20:08:20 UTC 2006

On 26 Apr 2006, at 19:53, Richard Jones wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 03:41:02PM +0100, will wrote:
>> http://shelleytherepublican.com/2006/04/linux-european-threat-to-our- 
>> computers.html
> That's quite funny ...

This one's pretty side-splitting as well:


My son Adam wondered whether the shelleytherepublican.com blog was the  
sketch for a South Park script and, when I persuaded him that it was  
not, decided he would by-pass 'comments' and give this person a good  
talking-to.  I'm looking forward to any response he gets ... ;-)


> I didn't think Americans had a sense of irony before I read this
> comment on the story:
>   Thanks for posting my article Shelley; I submitted this to the
>   mainstream IT press, but none of them wanted to know. It's shocking  
> to
>   learn that the same liberal bias that infects mainstream news-sources
>   also affects the technical press.
>   Yes, Linux is a primative European clone; It is much less capable  
> than
>   Windows. In fact it omits features that were standard in Windows back
>   in 1998; For example Linux has no built-in anti-virus or anti-spyware
>   software.
>   You cannot even buy popular utilities like Norton Security to
>   compensate for this fact. There are no tools for common tasks like
>   defragging a hard disk. God knows what you would use to send a fax or
>   make a website. You cannot even get Front Page for Linux.
>   Linux is that bad; The only explaination I can think for people using
>   it is that it by-passes the protection given by American companies  
> and
>   the Dept of Homeland Security. It should be considered a terrorist
>   program.
> Rich.
> -- 
> Richard Jones, CTO Merjis Ltd.
> Merjis - web marketing and technology - http://merjis.com
> Team Notepad - intranets and extranets for business -  
> http://team-notepad.com
> -- 
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Dr Chris Stuart Hutchison
Kingston University
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United Kingdom
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