[Gllug] How to emulate a scroll wheel on a laptop nipple or touchpad?

- Tethys tethys at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 13:26:26 UTC 2006

On 8/7/06, M.Blackmore <mblackmore at oxlug.org> wrote:

> I've got back injuries and my sig other has got herself some mild RSI

Obvious answer: don't use a laptop. They're ergonimcally *terrible*,
and if you have posture related problems, using a laptop will only
make them worse. If you absolutely have to, then use an external
mouse, and ideally, keyboard, and learn to use keyboard shortcuts.
PgUp/PgDn with various modifier combinations generally do most of what
you can achieve with a scroll wheel anyway -- not that they're usually
in a sensible place on a laptop keyboard, though...
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