[Gllug] External HDD for booting

Jon Dye jon at pecorous.co.uk
Tue Dec 19 14:03:05 UTC 2006


I have a laptop where the HDD has recently died.  Eventually I will buy
a new HDD for it but for now I'm booting it from a Ubuntu CD.  The
downsides to this are that it's slow, it uses lots of memory, I can't
use the CD drive for anything else as I can't eject the CD and I don't
have a persistent filesystem.

I have an external USB HDD that I would like to use with the laptop but
the laptop doesn't support booting from USB devices.  I was thinking of
putting a kernel on a CD and using syslinux to boot it and then using
the external USB HDD for the root file system.  What I would like to
know is once the kernel has booted will I then be able to eject the CD?
 I am guessing that the kernel is loaded entirely into memory and so
once it's there and running there is no need for any more CD access
(assuming I put all the drivers in the kernel or an initrd), is that


"As soon as you step into the shower, You become safe crackers."
		- Eddie Izzard

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