[Gllug] DD Ext3 Move

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Feb 9 23:35:42 UTC 2006

On Thu, 09 Feb 2006, Rich Walker announced authoritatively:
> Nix <nix at esperi.org.uk> writes:
> [snip LVM stuff]
> Are you doing LVM-on-"RAID>0" or just relying on detecting potential
> failure early enough?

LVM-on-RAID-5 --- at least that's what I'll be setting up now these
hardware problems appear resolved (really weird hardware problems,
too; turn on ECC L2 cache RAM, and get intermittent single-bit errors
under high load: turn it off, and the errors go away. ECC shouldn't
introduce errors, should it?)

> (a) I've got half-a-dozen disks set up as 5-in-RAID-5 + boot disk, and
>     I wouldn't put the data on RAID-0 or LVM-without-RAID

It's only recently that I've had more than two disks in one machine, or
more than one disk of any vaguely similar size. Now I've got 1x50Gb
and 2x73Gb in one machine, it's time for 50Gbx3 RAID-5... :)

(There will be some un-RAIDed storage there, as well, probably for swap
and things like MP3s which I can just re-rip if a disk dies. But
everything of significance is going under the RAID-5 hammer, including
the root filesystem.)

> (b) but my backups are incremental and not of the 350GB of "stuff", just
>     the 100GB of "good stuff".

My backups are semi-incremental (level 0 on CD-R, incremental on CD-RW
until I run out of disks, then incremental on CD-R against the most
recent CD-R backup), but of *everything*. I'm a paranoid madman :)

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