[Gllug] just a quick question

David Damerell damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Mon Feb 13 12:28:00 UTC 2006

On Monday, 13 Feb 2006, Tethys wrote:
>Anthony Newman writes:
>>As someone who has performed `apt-get remove perl` on a Debian 3.1 
>>machine, I can verify that Perl is somewhat critical to the operation of 
>>a Debian-installed machine. Debian--. Don't get me started on Umbongo...
>Similarly, I tried to remove gamin from my FC4 desktop last night, an
>app for which I have no use. In order to do so, I'd also need to remove
>over 40 other apps, which I *do* use.

This is not at all similar to the situation with perl-base on Debian,
which the package manager uses and which is marked as a "Required"
package; ie, you are being told explicitly that if you remove this
package the machine will break.

It's not completely unreasonable for the package manager to have some

David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Kill the tomato!
Today is First Sunday, February - a weekend.
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