[Gllug] ping

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Feb 9 07:36:09 UTC 2006

On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, t. clarke gibbered uncontrollably:
> No Mail Server should generate bounces for unroutable mail ?????
> That may be so,  but plenty still do.
> Also, I may be wrong on this, but (even if you validate usernames on your own
> mailserver at SMTP time) if you publish a secondary MX which belongs to your ISP
> (to accept mail in event of yr own server going phut),  the ISP will accept
> mail for any old user and then bounce it back to the sender when it eventually
> trys to send it to your primary MX and fails.

Shoot your ISP until they agree to turn off the bounces or filter out
spam on their secondary MX before bounce generation.

> Personally, I rather dislike the idea in this day and age of email going
> other than by direct SMTP from Senders own MX to Receivers own MX.

Yeah, but secondary MXes and MXes for intermittently-online users are
still good things.

`... follow the bouncing internment camps.' --- Peter da Silva
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