[Gllug] Web Development

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 18:41:25 UTC 2006

On 09/06/06, Tom Haddon <mthaddon at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I work for a company in the Holborn area that's currently looking to
> redesign its website. We've had a bunch of companies come to pitch for
> it, but they've all be MS shops (the folks in charge of the design have
> been picking the companies to shortlist to date). Our preference from a
> technical perspective is to use Open Source software (preferably Java,
> as that's our core competency).
> Can anyone recommend (or does anyone work for) a company that might fit
> the bill. We're looking for a CMS that's fairly sophisticated and
> extensible (basic workflow for publishing content, user permissions,
> internalization, nice urls, total flexibility in design - i.e. good
> templating system, and the ability to tie into other systems).

Bricolage is a kick ass CMS, but it's Perl rather than Java, but will
deliver what you're looking for, and as a bonus, learning Perl would
give you better Developers with more tools to work with ;)

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