[Gllug] Default messages perm

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sun Jun 4 12:04:38 UTC 2006

On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, David Damerell yowled:
> On Wednesday, 31 May 2006, Yashpal Nagar wrote:
>>A very quick one, we do have a program which analyses the messages 
>>(messages, secure etc in /var/log)  from a linux box, how do i change 
>>the default permissions for let say messages to 644?
> That seems like a bad idea. Why would you not use group permissions?

Perhaps you don't care who can read those logfiles?

Most non-security-critical logfiles on most machines I administer are
world-readable, simply for convenience's sake. If a nasty cracker's
reading some logfile would do no harm at all, why not make it world-

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