[Gllug] Connection details?

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Sat Jun 24 18:48:51 UTC 2006

On Sat 24 Jun, Jason Clifford wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Jun 2006, Chris Bell wrote:
> >    Can anyone please point me towards technical details for AOL ADSL
> > connection? I understand it may actually be a variety of ADSL2. Thanks.
> I don't believe AOL are using ADSL2.
> They may have an LLU programme however it will only be on a small number 
> of exchanges so most of their connections are probably still IPStream or 
> DataStream based.
> It's most likely that it's a mix of the above.
> Why do you want to know? It's irrelevant from your perspective unless it's 
> ADSL2 in which case you would need a suitable router to get maximum 
> speeds.
> Jason

   It seems that AOL are very unhelpful, and want subscribers to use
expensive modems supplied by either AOL or Netgear, but a local distributor
would like to supply their own brand modem, ensure that it will work in all
circumstances, and also rig up a test bench for their customers. 

Chris Bell

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