[Gllug] Re: scripting OpenOffice Impress

Paul Rayner paul at ylemsolutions.com
Mon Jun 26 19:07:55 UTC 2006

On 26 Jun 2006, at 18:15, Craig Millar wrote:

> On 26/06/06 17:58 +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
>> I've just spent a fun couple of days generating ODT[1] files from a
>> program.  Basically I dismantled some existing ODT files -- they're
>> just ZIP files - you can unzip and look at the content.xml file
>> inside.  Then tried to create interesting files of my own.
> Thanks for all replies so far. Anyways, I did consider the above but
> initially thought it might be better achieved using pyuno [1]
> but I can't seem to find out how to do what I need to do, i.e.  
> placement and
> resizing of images and image ratios etc. It appears I may not have  
> any option
> other than to go this route after all.

If you don't mind using Java, Apache POI might be worth looking at:-


is a quick and dirty howto which seems to cover what you're after  
(create new slide, add picture to it...)

Apache POI creates PowerPoint files, but OO Impress can then read  
those and an OO macro to convert the PPT files shouldn't be too hard.



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