[Gllug] RHEL Oracle best practices

Ryland, Peter peter.ryland at squaregain.co.uk
Tue May 30 07:25:05 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 16:43 +0100, Yashpal Nagar wrote:
> Can someone please mail me some stuff like best practices of keeping 
> Redhat Enterprise linux boxes good for Oracle database servers 
> environment or RAC, experiences etc
> Any poointers to How and what parameters to keep OS tidy for 
> performance, security etc would be helpful.
> I have came across few on net but need some advanced level of tunning 
> for production environment.
> I will surely summarize the points for the people for archiving purposes.

You want performance?  Don't use Oracle.

Note that their licence agreement forbids benchmarks, so I'm afraid I
can't point you to any concrete proof of my assertion, but you can
always do your own tests, as I have done in the past.


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