[Gllug] re: USA / civil liberties etc

Mark Williams mark.666 at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon May 1 12:39:11 UTC 2006

Christopher Hunter wrote:

>On Monday 01 May 2006 12:22, Mark Williams wrote:
>>I wonder how long it is since I had to prove I'm over 18? My kids don't
>>often get asked, indeed the 16 year never has been & it's not like he
>>never buys beer or wine...
>The shopkeeper selling him the alcohol is at significant risk of serious fines 
>- there are now "sting operations" testing shops with youngsters (in the pay 
>of the Police) and prosecuting any infractions.
Yes, but, the point here was that _I_ haven't been asked for proof of 
age in GOK how many years - probably single figure ocasions _ever_ - so 
this isn't quite the threat it may sound. I wasn't actually losing sleep 
over shopkeepers being bad & naughty.

>>If I withdraw >£99, I do so from the ATM. It 
>>has no need nor facility for a 2nd card.
>You won't be using any "second card", as eventually you'll use your "ID" card 
>in the ATM - there will be law passed to only allow the "ID" card for all 
>financial transactions - the credit and debit cards you presently have will 
>be withdrawn.  This gives the "government" complete record of practically 
>everything you do!  Another aim of the "ID" card project is the "cashless 
So the bank would be spreading their already profound knowledge of what 
I spend & where to a different card. Adding this to the governments 
stock of knowledge is a pretty big step, & not at all the same as having 
an ID card - look at the trouble they've already had with trying to 
introduce an ID card for "ID & security" & think how easy it will be to 
then get the banks to relinquish control to the gov't, let alone get it 
past the voters.

Not that I'm greatly keen on the ID card thing, but I know a troll when 
I see one. Even if it hasn't got an ID card in it's grubby mitt...


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