[Gllug] Multiple ADSL splitters

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Tue Nov 14 14:30:49 UTC 2006

On Tue 14 Nov, Chris Bell wrote:
> On Tue 14 Nov, Matthew King wrote:

> > This is not possible. I struggled in vain to have the first filter (the
> > secondary master socket, if you will) where the computers will go but
> > was overruled. The filter must be where the master socket is.
> > 
>    In that case, the best thing would be to get BT to move the master socket
> to where it is needed, running extra "telphone pair" cable as required. Next
> best would be to run a single "telephone pair" extension cable from the ADSL
> output of the first filter, (the one at the master socket, and effectively
> the same as the incoming telephone pair), to the ADSL modem, with everything
> else in the building connected to the "phone" side of the filter, ensuring
> that the filter at least matches the full BT specification. The small type
> of filter that looks like a phone splitter is unlikely to be large enough to
> hold a high grade multi-stage filter.
   The filter not only prevents the ADSL carrier from interfering with the
phones, it also prevents ADSL carrier getting lost around the phone system.
The best place to stop the ADSL carrier is at the master box, then have the
minimum length of single pair cable, with characteristic impedance similar
to that of the incoming BT twisted pair, connecting the incoming pair (same
as the ADSL output from the filter) to the modem. A twisted pair in a Cat5
cable can be used. Be careful with the routing so that it does not go close
to sources of interference such as the power lead to your washing machine.

Chris Bell

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