[Gllug] Debian: Help with problems cleaning up consequences of an extended 'duh' moment...

paul at ma1.se paul at ma1.se
Fri Nov 10 16:22:00 UTC 2006

Jim Bailey wrote:
> On Nov 10, 02:53, Adrian McMenamin wrote:
>> On Fri, November 10, 2006 2:11 pm, Jim Bailey wrote:
>>> On Nov 08, 11:24, James Roberts wrote:
>>>> Martin A. Brooks wrote:
>>>>> I think the moral of the story here is "don't use webmin".
>>>> Well - to be fair it was not webmin's fault that it broke (or Debians) -
>>>> it was mine.
>>>> The main reason for using webmin is to provided as management interface
>>>> for staff that are competent in windows but barely so in Linux.
>>>> Webmin achieves this utility. They are not going to learn more Linux.
>>>> Any other suggestions to achieve this end?
>>> Not Plesk, please $deity not Plesk!!!
>> What's wrong with Plesk? (Open question, just wondering)
> When you have 80 Virtuozzo VPSs and 1,000 domains to migrate to modern
> OSs and you have to use the god awful tools that SWsoft providse you
> with.  You wouldn't ask that question. ;)
> Control panels are wrong, evil bastard spawn of satan.  when they are
> closed source and don't do what they say on the tin and have brain
> damaged defaults like 24 hour TTL on DNS.....
> This has been my life for the last 3 months and will be my life for the
> next $x months until every single one of our fully managed customers are
> migrated to the new Virtuozzo EZ-template system.
> Which is actually a very nice virtualisation system lovely in fact, it
> is just a shame that SWsoft smashed the concept of a clean migration
> path to get there.
> I have in effect become a LAMP integration developer for 80 clueless
> web-monkeys not that I hold been clueless against them that why they
> chose a fully managed Plesk VPS so this kind of pain wasn't theirs.

Ah well in that case my sympathies. Though I've been doing a mini 
migration myself from Plesk 7.5.4 to Plesk 8.0.1 (real to Virtual, 
Centos 3.x to Centos 4.something) and SW-Soft's migration manager has 
worked faultlessly so far! Amazing. :-)

But apart from that Plesk is fine for noobs to setup mailboxes and some 
nice modules exist for setting up samba, vpn's and firewalls.


Paul Lee

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