[Gllug] Tweaking Hardware autodetection

Justin Perreault justinperreault at dl-jp.com
Wed Nov 22 18:29:08 UTC 2006

Hey everyone,

I have started working on getting wine to run my games. Yes I know,
"Really, that is such a lofty goal!" ;) However it has led me to an
interesting question which I have been unable to find an answer.

Is it possible to tweak the Hardware Auto-detection routines to activate
non-default options on the hardware found?

What I am trying to do is get my DVD drives to still be autodetected but
with the unhide flag active. The reason is because wine has a problem
where it sometimes cannot see information on a disc if it is not mounted
with the unhide option.

I have spent several hours searching the net and various forums for
hints at what autodetection routine is used in FC6 but so far to no

Some general pointers would be nice. I am currently having fun exploring
this issue. A full solution would be okay, just not as much fun.

I could go the easy route of putting an entry into fstab but that would
be no fun. :)

Justin Perreault
If you are an adult, you can choose to act like a child. If you do not
accept being an adult, you are only a child. -JJJ

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