[Gllug] Is there any demand for rsync based offsite backup?

Jack Bertram jack at jbertram.net
Tue Oct 31 19:42:44 UTC 2006

* Jason Clifford <jason at ukfsn.org> [061031 18:45]:
> I'm giving thought to launching an offsite backup service using rsync from 
> the client end to a pair of servers at different datacentres.
> I already have this service available for Windows users however I'd like 
> to make it generally available.
> Is this something people might be interested in and, if so, would you be 
> willing to pay a couple of quid a month for a few hundred MB of storage?
> Jason Clifford

I'd be very interested, particularly if you can think creatively about
pricing structures.  For example, I would like to back up more than a
few hundred MB of data, but nearly all of it won't change very much at
all - so I would be keen on a high storage/low bandwidth allowance
back-up solution (with initial backup not counted towards bandwidth
allowance).  Others might want less storage but more bandwidth.

I'd pay £5-10/month for the right product. 

Where's your Windows service publicised? I have users who might be


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