[Gllug] Open Source lobbying meeting - UKUUG London Thurs 19th

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Sun Oct 15 14:47:13 UTC 2006

On Sun 15 Oct, Christopher Hunter wrote:

> I can recall (vaguely) someone working on a "Sage" clone - I can't remember 
> where I saw it, though.

   I have been told that the Unix-compatible version of Sage is aimed at
large multinational and corporate organisations, and is rather more capable
and expensive than the standard PC version.
   Someone from Japan has turned up at the GLLUG stand at Olympia in
previous years, claiming to be designing a universal accounting package.
Just plug in the rules for your country, and away you go. Unfortunately, I
have been told by an accountant that we have guidelines, not hard and fast

Chris Bell

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