[Gllug] Advocacy Walk (Was: Meeting this Saturday)

Simon Morris simon.morris at cmtww.com
Mon Sep 11 12:47:38 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 13:41 +0100, Martin A. Brooks wrote:

> "harassment".
> I'm not so sure this is a great idea.   Those that are not tourists,
> and
> actually speak English, and actually are English, are unlikely to even
> know, or care, what open source is.

Well - I have a couple of thoughts on this :-)

(1) If they are totally unaware of what Free Software is then I think we
are solving a problem here by shoving a leaflet in their hands. If they
show any sort of interest they can have a CD to take away as well

(2) Yes - there are concerns about receiving a CD from a random person
in the street and then inserting it into your home PC.

(3) I don't think it is a particularly inspired idea. However - we did
nothing at all for Software Freedom Day in the past, and we should do
more than just have another monthly meeting. It's happening in every
other large city in the world and it would be a bit crap if London did
nothing. It's down to us or Lonix and we traditionally arrange technical

(4) The time for saying this is a bad idea was when I asked for
suggestions a month ago!! Now isn't such a good time :-)


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