[Gllug] OT: Mac code can't be given on an LOU network?

Matthew King matthew.king at monnsta.net
Fri Sep 22 19:21:19 UTC 2006

Julian Somers <lists at bigpip.com> writes:

> On 10:17 Thu 21 Sep     , John G Walker wrote:
>> On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 20:26:51 +0100 Julian Somers <lists at bigpip.com>
>> wrote:
>> > On 18:14 Wed 20 Sep     , John Edwards wrote:
>> > > On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 06:04:56PM +0100, Julian Somers wrote:
>> > > > Hi, 
>> > > > 
>> > > > I have just tried to get a MAC code from Tiscali so I can switch
>> > > > broadband provider, and they tell me that they can't do it
>> > > > without 14 days possible downtime because I am on an 'LOU
>> > > > network'. I can't find anything on the web about LOU networks --
>> > > > did I hear wrong?
>> > > > 
>> > > > many thanks, Julian
>> > > 
>> > > Could that be LLU (Local Loop Unbundled) ?
>> > 
>> > Thanks, Ben, Richard and John. She must have said LLU not LOU. 
>> > 
>> > I guess I'll have to leave the switch until we're away. Can't do
>> > without the interweb for fourteen minutes let alone fourteen days in
>> > this house!
>> > 
>> > Julian
>> >
>> This is a wee bit frightening. I'd have to make the same choice as
>> Julian if I was in the same position, and I suspect most other people
>> on this list would be in the same position.
>> What this means is that someone can get stuck with an ISP because of
>> issues that were not apparent at the time the contract was taken out.
>> The price of changing could very well be bigger than any issues you
>> have with your ISP or savings you could make by moving.
>> Scary,
> Yes, irritating -- the Tiscali connection has been really unreliable
> these last few weeks. Latency like a dialup, can't do voip. (You get
> what you pay for.)
> Rather than wrestle with Tiscali for a MAC code, I could get cable
> broadband from ntl, and quit tiscali once the ntl connection is running. 

Live with it.

Do anything, and I mean anything, you can to get shot of Tiscali[1].

> Is ntl any better? Or am I just buying into another long term
> relationship that's a pain to get out of?  


Well - anything except this!


[1] When they decided to screw around with my DSL (I was using them
through UKFSN when they were still talking to Jason) they tied up the
phone line, which BT wouldn't do anything about, and I was offline for
months due to their utter incompetence. And they weren't even my ISP!

I must take issue with the term "a mere child," for it has been my
invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely
preferable to that of a mere adult.
                                           --  Fran Lebowitz

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