[Gllug] ping behaviour

Ryland, Peter peter.ryland at squaregain.co.uk
Mon Sep 11 14:14:31 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-09-07 at 15:48 +0100, Alain Williams wrote:
> I was waiting for a machine to boot, decided to ping it. I noticed that
> the output was in bunches of 3 (ie seq: 1,2,3   5,6,7   9,10,11) with a
> gap of several seconds between them.
> OK: I know that ping sends out one ping/second. But why:
> * do the host unreachables come out in groups of 3 ?
> * to seq that are multiples of 4 get lost ?

I believe that's to do with a three-second timeout on the recvmsg system
call in the ping code.


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