[Gllug] Setting keyboard keymaps

Tom Schutzer-Weissmann trmsw at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Apr 13 07:02:05 UTC 2007

Hi Thomas,

> Basically, I'd like both keyboards to work at the
> same time.. but tools like 
> setxkbmap seem to work for *all* devices.

Environments like KDE and Gnome let you switch
keyboard layouts very easily, using a shortcut. If you
want to use the keyboards simultaneously you might
have a problem (apart from having very confused

If you find the shortcut too much hassle, maybe you
could poll the actual input devices to detect which
keyboard was being used and use _that_ to switch the

My advice is to become a bilingual touch-typist on
both keyboards and ignore what's written on the keys.
Where I work it's very common to use an English layout
for programming and a Portuguese one for emails, all
on the same keyboard.


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