[Gllug] Linux invalidates your HP warranty

Jason Clifford jason at ukfsn.org
Tue Apr 3 15:31:17 UTC 2007

On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Chris Jones wrote:

> > How is Windows intergral to a hardware device?
> I didn't say it was integral to a hardware device, I said that it was a
> Windows laptop.

What is the basis upon which you call a device a "windows laptop"?

Assuming you are refering to a laptop sold with a Windows OEM 
installation what would you call that laptop in the event that the 
consumer invokes the rejection clause and replacing windows with Linux or 

> To those of us accustomed to hacking about with the hardware we buy,
> it's a laptop which has a rubbish OS pre-installed. To HP it's one,
> cohesive product.

HP offer the laptop with a choice of Windows versions. How are you 
determining exactly which product it is if you accept that the OS 
installed OEM is integral to the product?

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