[Gllug] Testing PCI

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Wed Feb 14 08:52:43 UTC 2007

On Wed 14 Feb, Mark Williams wrote:

> I checked lspci, and as many hardware listing tools as I could find; but it 
> struck me, I couldn't think of anything that would actually _test_ the PCI 
> bus. Having not found any errors (& it's not software, we blanked the drive & 
> tried XP pro & XP home disks), I'm stuck.
> Linux advocacy failed on 'this is what we're used to', BTW, even though the 
> demo of it failing to fall down where M$ did was quite good.
> Anyone know how to thoroughly test a Dell PCI bus?
> Mark
   Perhaps the BIOS has been set to suit Linux, with "native" mode SATA
instead of something like "emulated" mode.

Chris Bell

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