[Gllug] [OT] Fighting a virus

salsaman salsaman at xs4all.nl
Fri Feb 16 14:18:03 UTC 2007

Peter Joanes wrote:

>I sometimes drive a car, but fail to see why this would be irrelevant to 
>non-drivers; pedestrians and cyclists certainly have an interest in the 
>The quoted amounts listed for road charging are intended to cause outrage 
>among the many drivers that exhibit a strong sense of entitlement towards 
>their car usage. I cannot judge whether they are disproportionate though, 
>because I haven't seen any sufficiently detailed evaluation of the negative 
>effects of current volumes of road transport.
>That said, I don't like the road charging scheme because of the tracking 
>aspect. Instead I'd rather see a very significant increase in fuel tax and 
>greater use of pedestrianization, although I doubt that the signatories to 
>the petition would view those as acceptable alternatives.
>-	Pete.

The way I see it, the scheme is flawed because it doesn't take into 
account the fuel efficiency of a vehicle. So for example, four people 
sharing a hybrid or electric vehicle would pay the same as somebody 
driving an SUV getting 15 mpg.

Increasing tax on petrol might be a good idea, except that the UK 
already has among the highest fuel taxes in the world.

And of course, the privacy concerns as have been mentioned.

IMO, the government should subsidise public transport more, or cap the 
fares. Public transport companies have natural monopolies, and therefore 
it is acceptable for the government to regulate and/or subsidise them 
more strongly.

Public transport in the UK is way more expensive than in other 
countries, and for a relatively lousy service.


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