[Gllug] [OT] Times Article on ABD was Fighting a virus

Adrian McMenamin adrian at newgolddream.dyndns.info
Sun Feb 18 19:46:58 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-02-18 at 19:40 +0000, Richard Jones wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 18, 2007 at 07:29:04PM +0000, Adrian McMenamin wrote:
> > It's not penalising car travel. It is making car users pay the full
> > costs of their travel (instead of it being paid by everybody).
> Right, but the externality comes _directly_ from burning fossil fuels
> to fill up the atmosphere with unwanted cardon dioxide.  So why not
> just tax the fossil fuels?

No. What about the congestion, the noise, the disruption and costs of
building the roads. The people who get killed by cars, etc.

The externality of car travel is *NOT* simply the carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, carbon particulates, and various nitrogen based nasties that
come out of the exhaust pipe - it is *all* the costs that are paid by
society as a whole and not by the individual driver.

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