[Gllug] NHS opt out

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Sat Jan 27 00:21:24 UTC 2007

Nix wrote:
> On 24 Jan 2007, Mike Brodbelt said:
>> If it was entirely controllable by you, there's no real reason to object
>> to the owner having to authenticate to the card with a biometric (or
>> two). That essentially establishes that the person carrying the card is
>> the person whose data in on the card, and the trusted government digital
> If you find a biometric that works and has affordable and convenient
> readers


Define "works". I tend to think people get hung up on perfection here -
although I confess to not knowing the details, I'm sure implementing a
biometric with measurable superiority of current forms of identification
should be possible at a reasonable cost level. It doesn't have to be
perfect, just better. It would be good if people got used to the idea
that the expectation of a perfect solution is unrealistic, and that they
should expect to have to apply their own intelligence in addition to
blindly trusting whatever the flavour of the week is right now....

>> They'll never do it of course, because placing citizens in control of
>> their identity isn't what they're after - they want the whole big
>> brother database. It's about control, not identity, or security, or any
>> of the other excuses blandished about.
> Now, now, how cynical. It's also about *employment* :)

I'm sure Big Brother will provide jobs for millions :-P

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