[Gllug] ADSL2 router help / recomendation

Gundemarie Scholz spamyousilly at inbox.ru
Fri Jan 26 12:24:39 UTC 2007

Juergen Schinker wrote:
> Am Fr, 26.01.2007, 10:17, schrieb - Tethys:
>> On 1/26/07, Ryan Cartwright <ryan at crimperman.org> wrote:
>>> Most of the cheap modem/routers/firewalls will do this - just set-up an
>>> inbound rule to route traffic on the relevant port/service to your
>>> server. For example on the Netgear DG834 this is handled under the
>>> Firewall Rules option..
>> Not good enough. I want an ADSL box to be a pure passthrough device. I
>> don't want to have to set up port forwarding for services I might
>> happen to be interested in. I want *everything* to be passed through
>> to my firewall box.
>> Fortunately, several ADSL routers will do just that.
>  thats exactly what i want give me an example and where i can by it

Not having the original mail any more I have to reply to this one.

The D-Link DSL-300T does it as well as the SpeedTouch (Thomson) 330 USB
Modem. I got the D-Link from Ebay and the Speedtouch from my ISP.

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