[Gllug] BBC: Battle of the operating systems

Thomi Richards thomir at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 12:16:20 UTC 2007

On 1/26/07, Jason Clifford <jason at ukfsn.org> wrote:
> The only thing that is lacking for me is a decent small business
> accounting package suitable for specific national markets. The available
> offerings are either too limited or require too much resource commitment
> and are inflexible (a major failing in a Free Software product).

I don't want to start moaning about a system I love, and use every
day, but I still miss several things in a Linux system... this is why
I am forced to dual boot to windows..

> To date I have got by with a basic system I wrote myself however it no
> longer meets my needs so I've been looking for a decent and comprehensive
> system with an API I can use to post transactions to it. No such luck!

...there's another...

The library of software written for windows is massive.. even with the
large OSS community, replacing that wealth of software will take
time.. Even so, things are moving quickly... Linux today looks a lot
better than it did five years ago...

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