[Gllug] NHS opt out - IBM and the Nazis

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Fri Jan 26 10:04:39 UTC 2007


Jason Clifford wrote:
> My understanding is that Godwin does not apply is the reference is 
> actually relevant to the discussion.

You can't seriously think that the NHS trying to make a national
database (something our government utterly, utterly sucks at, so there's
no reason to assume it will even happen) is in any way relevant to IBM
making databases for the Nazis?!

I see from this thread that some of you are mostly composed of paranoia,
but even so that's a pretty silly thing to say and probably quite
offensive to relatives of those persecuted by the Nazis.

Don't get me wrong, I'm seriously opposed to the ID card scheme and
large databases in general, but I like to think I can come up with more
cogent arguments against them than strawmen about how the Nazis had a

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net
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