[Gllug] Microsoft was distributing Ubuntu

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sat Jun 30 18:14:58 UTC 2007

On 30 Jun 2007, Christopher Hunter verbalised:
>                                                  A senior executive of
> my acquaintance argues that if Powerpoint is "necessary" to explain an
> idea at a meeting or seminar, either the idea's rubbish or the person
> presenting the idea isn't sufficiently articulate to continue in his
> employ...

Thus, of course, perfectly explaining why it is so widely used.

PowerPoint: because you want *your* endeavour to go as well as the war
in Iraq! ;)

`... in the sense that dragons logically follow evolution so they would
 be able to wield metal.' --- Kenneth Eng's colourless green ideas sleep
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