[Gllug] OT Internet connection

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 13 20:28:21 UTC 2007

john gennard wrote:
> I want to get rid of my BT line.

Join the club :-)

> Can any members of the Group offer me any advice or suggestions?
> It's not the actual outlay that is the problem, it's the value
> offered for it. Virtually all major organisations now make price
> increases which just drop down to the bottom line. It seems ages
> since I've seen anyone justify a charge or a price increase -
> some say "we haven't put up our prices for x years" (what
> justification that is defeats me), and magazines seem never to
> mention increases the price on the cover just changes.

If you can, find a broadband supplier that does local loop unbundling in 
your area. You should then be able to get a second line to the exchange 
that carries *only* the DSL service - no POTS. This will not attract 
line rental, and you ought to be able to cease your BT line without a 
problem at that point. With IP service you can get a number from a 
suitable VoIP provider (gradwell.com is one option - about £3/month for 
a single number), and then have a machine running Asterisk to deal with 
call routing. There are plenty of hardware SIP phones available that 
will work happily with Asterisk.

This should give you everything you need *except* 999 service. You may 
be able tofind a VoIP provider who will route emergency calls (gradwell 
don't), but even then it's a dodgy proposition as if your DSL is down 
you're screwed. For that, you're probably best with the PAYG mobile option.

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