[Gllug] Detecting attempts to contact another machine and acting on them

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Mon Mar 12 14:04:02 UTC 2007

In my continuing attempts to minimise power consumption, I'm thinking
about a setup where the only thing on all the time is a slug (NSLU2) which
consumes tiny amounts of power, with a larger machine being automatically
switched on when required.

I've worked out how to handle scheduled switch-ons for the big machine,
but I'd quite like to set up a mechanism whereby the slug notices attempts
to contact the larger machine on the LAN and, if the larger machine isn't
already on then the slug would send it a WoL packet.

Obviously I could write some low-level network code to do this, but I'm
wondering whether there are any existing utilities which could be glued
together to provide this functionality.



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