[Gllug] OT Internet connection

John G Walker johngwalker at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Mar 15 12:18:18 UTC 2007

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007  7:42:42 +0000 "t.clarke" <tim at seacon.co.uk> wrote:

> re: coinbox telephones
> The previous posts remind me of my schooldays (aeons ago) when you
> could call for free by tapping out the number on the handser rest.
> You needed to tap qickly of course  (around the nominal 10 impulses a
> second), but easily achievable.
> Tim

As said before, you can use this technique on any phone line that uses
pulse rather than tone dialling. But it's pointless on a technology
where you have to put the money in after you've connected. It was the
replacement of the 'press button A' phones by the STD ones that mad the
technique obsolete,

 All the best,
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