[Gllug] OT Internet connection

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 13 22:10:40 UTC 2007

John G Walker wrote:

> Because the state doesn't have any money of its own. This would have to
> come out of taxation, and would, in the end, mean higher taxes.

Take it out of the 12 billion they're planning to spend on consultants 
instead :-P

> Things like life-saving services should be factored in as overhead
> costs. If a businessman can't work out how to pay his overheads and
> make a profit, why should the public subsidise him? (Or her?)

The "overhead" cost will be taken out of the customers pocket anyway - 
this is little more than taxation by proxy where we're talking about 
telco services that I'm sure >99% of the population must have.

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