[Gllug] GIMP not able to do the Samba

Thomi Richards thomir at gmail.com
Sat May 26 10:38:08 UTC 2007

On 5/25/07, DL Neil <GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk> wrote:

> If I access the shared area using a desktop link/file manager and then
> right-click on the .JPG asking for it to open in the Gimp, the following
> errmsg results:
> smb://WinWkGroup%3BWinUsers@LinuxServer/WinData
> JPEG image message
> Could not open /root/smb://WinWkGroup/WinData/Autograph/XYZ.jpg for
> reading: No such file or directory.

This looks like you're running the gimp as root..

[insert usual warning about running X as root here]
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