[Gllug] Linux users - sign petition to say you use BBC web site!

Christopher Hunter chrisehunter at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Nov 7 06:26:00 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 13:13 +0000, Peter Childs wrote:

> If we want people to use linux then we have to show.
> 1. Its better than windows ie more stable less likely to crash
> 2. everything they want will run.
> 3. Some extra value added they can't do with otherwise *that they
> actually want to do*

4. That Linux doesn't require time-consuming daily "anti-virus" and
"anti-malware" updates and doesn't require any expensive annual
subscriptions to these "services".

5.  Linux is no more "difficult" than Windows and actually, in many
instances, is easier to use.

As an addition to 3. above, show that Open Office is compatible with MS
Office documents - this is often a major concern: "can I open my
documents from work?"


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